ACT!’s Handy Dandy Notepad
One of the new Sage ACT! 2012 features that has made life a lot easier is the Sage ACT! Scratchpad.
This new feature has allowed me to keep a list of tasks that I need to do. Tasks can be both personal and work related. It is very convenient since it can be used both when the Sage ACT! program is closed or open.
As I work during the day I cross out items when completed. Also if I remember something while working I put it on my handy dandy notepad, that way I do not forget or get distracted from the task at hand.
There are a number of ways to get to the scratchpad.If your ACT! program is closed you can double-click the Sage ACT! Scratchpad shortcut on your desktop. If ACT! is open, go to Tools menu, click Sage ACT! Scratchpad.
On the Scratchpad you can prioritize the items on the list, cross an item when completed, delete the whole list or a single item. You can also print it and take it with when running errands for example.
One can also send an item to ACT! as a note or history and even create an activity. This handy resource is only available in the new Sage ACT! 2012.