ACT! v17 New Feature Spotlight; Emarketing Triggers for Smart Tasks

ACT! v17 New Feature Spotlight;  Emarketing Triggers for Smart Tasks

Emarketing Triggers for Smart Tasks gives you the ability to launch Smart Tasks from Emarketing Results

Emarketing Triggers for Smart Tasks - This means that your emarketing scores can actually interact with your Smart Tasks.  Call list scores, schedule activities, send out other emarketing messages, or assign record manager, change fields and more

Now, based on the results of your e marketing efforts, it is possible to schedule follow up activities for your sales teams.  For example, if you assign a score of Hot to e marketing recipients who Open the email at least twice, you can then set the ID/Status field in ACT@ CRM to HOT for all contact with such a score. Further more, if that contact is in the West Territory, you can assign that contact to the sales rep for that territory AND schedule a phone call to the prospect the next day in ACT based on that score.  This way people who genuinely interact with your e marketing efforts can be  contacted by a real person the next day.




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