Customizing the ACT Toolbar Open Act, right-click on the ACT toolbar, and select "Customize..." When the "Customize Menus and Toolbars" window opens, click on the "Custom Commands" tab Click the "New" button, enter "QuoteWerks" for both the command name and the tooltip text Click on the "Browse" button, and browse to the location of your…
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Happy New Year
Happy New Year greetings from all of us at Tandem CloudTop. Have a successful and prosperous year.Looking forward to working with you this year.
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Features in ACT! ACT Version 17
New Features in ACT! ACT Version 17 ACT Premium, Pro and Web versions Now sports a fresh new look throughout the product. New Welcome page, new icons, new layouts, and new integrated ACT Marketplace for ACT Add-on tools and enhanced ACT feature solutions. ACT Premium, Pro and Web versions Now allow Administrators to set and…
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ACT! v17 New Feature Spotlight–One Way Synchronization to Outlook
ACT! CRM Version 17 includes the ability to sync you ACT! contacts or calendar ONE-WAY to Outlook. There are a couple of reasons we have been waiting for this feature: First – One way sync is a quick and easy way to get your data to your smartphone or tablet. Second, Historically, it was necessary…
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ACT! v17 New Feature Spotlight; Emarketing Triggers for Smart Tasks
ACT! v17 New Feature Spotlight; Emarketing Triggers for Smart Tasks Emarketing Triggers for Smart Tasks gives you the ability to launch Smart Tasks from Emarketing Results Emarketing Triggers for Smart Tasks - This means that your emarketing scores can actually interact with your Smart Tasks. Call list scores, schedule activities, send out other emarketing messages,…
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ACT! Version 17 is Coming
We expect ACT v17 to be released in the next several weeks. Stay tuned for details on new features.
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Attaching Documents in ACT! CRM
The ability to attach a document to the ACT! record was added in version 7 (2005). Here are a few ways you can attach documents to ACT! records. The documents tab The notes tab - you can attach a document to a note On the History tab - individual histories can have documents attached. Security…
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You Tube Video–5 Tips for Consistent data entry in ACT! CRM
Here is a short video from one of our weekly webinars. The objective of the webinar is to the importance of consistent use of the program for users! Garbage in, Garbage out, Consistent data entry is pivotal principal for taking any CRM database from Rolodex to Business tool for the entire organization
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Moving an ACT database to another machine when there is no backup
Moving an ACT database to another machine When you are forced to move ACT from one machine to another and do not have a recent backup, you can just move the files over. STEP 1: If the old machine is still operating, you will need to stop sql before you move the files. IF ACT…
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Getting Web Form Responses into ACT!
We have a website where real estate attorneys can for free CLE classes. The website then collects the contact information to be downloaded into Excel files. Is there a way for this contact information to populate directly into ACT, without creating duplicates? Any help would be appreciated. Answer: We use Web Response from Northwoods on…
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ACT is running but it doesn’t show up
ACT is running but it doesn't show up Answer: Use Alt + Tab to highlight and select the ACT icon Use Alt + Space to access the system menu (nothing visible is likely to happen). (if you can, select maximize here) Keep holding Alt and press the letter M for Move . Use Right, Left,…
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Importing from a text file into Groups in ACT!
Question: We have no problems importing contacts from a CSV file. However, our database is setup with different groups that the sales people sort their contacts into. When we import, they are all put in with the existing contacts and the salespeople have to manually go through and sort them out into the groups they…
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Upgrading ACT! while Keeping Remotes Synchronizing
We are running Premium 2010 with two remote users. Will we have to recreate the remote databases when we upgrade or will they just be able to continue syncing once they have installed the software? Answer: They should be able to continue syncing. However, due to changes in the way ACT handles sales opportunities (if…
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Can’t open my Database!
Question: Just upgraded my machine to Win7 (64 bit) and installed Act! 2010. My previous machine had XP and ACT 2008. I am unable to get ACT 2010 to open the 2008 files. I navigate to where they are and when I open the pad file, nothing happens. What, please, am I missing? Answer: If…
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Dealing with Email from Remote Machines
Question : I am trying to weigh up either using premium in TS (remote desktop) or get premium for web. My problem is that users don’t always use the same machine and work from home. Now web might be the answer. But there are some questions -Can ACT Mail import PST files?? -Are users emails…
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Can I make Contacts read only?
1. I know ACT has a public and private setting for contacts, I need something in the middle. I would like to be able to select a contact, and make it “view only” for certain database users. They can see it in contacts, calendar etc., but they cannot make any modifications to it. Does this…
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Tracking Phone Calls in ACT!
How easy is ACT! to use in terms of tracking phone calls and generating reports specifically for a Call Center? Crystal is the best tool for call tracking. There are crystal reports readers that can be had. If you have ACT 2010, I"d use the OLDDB provider #2 and Crystal REports along with Crystal Clear…
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What’s New with Act! v16
Maintaining a competitive edge requires you to work smarter to accomplish more. Designed with extensive user input, Act! v16 delivers new functionality and enhancements that help you maximize your time, prioritize intelligently, and be informed and prepared to market and sell. Streamlined Company Management & Global Actions Increase Sales Effectiveness by driving informed, efficient action…
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Adding the ACT Premium Mobile Shortcut to the desktop of your iPhone or iPad
Adding the ACT Premium Mobile Shortcut to the desktop of your iPhone or iPad ACT! Premium Mobile is a web based application that allows real time visibility into your ACT database from many handheld devices using HTML 5 technology. Here are the steps to add an ACT! Icon to your Handheld desktop 1) After…
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